By Nikitha Dharanipragada & Neath Kiem 01/12/23
Born and and raised in Burma, Htet immigrated to the United States at fifteen making New York her home. She later went to Boston for college and moved back to the Big Apple after.
Inspired to join an A Capella group after hearing a girl sing across from her class, Het practiced her voice for countless hours. Surrounded with supportive family and friends, she had a community that encouraged her to put her love to action. Htet found herself in a friend's studio, and took the opportunity to record her first song, Take Care.
"My love of music kind of had always been in my life but my A Capella group is what gave me confidence to start performing and coincidentally was around the time when I was writing my own music."
Het largely credits her start in the music industry to her community. That crucial support led her to be in the right place and at the right time" in the studio that began it all. Being part of the music industry, Het quickly realized how large the world of music was, met many skilled artists, and learned how fast projects had to be completed to see success. "There's so many talented people so I have this pressure of wanting to perform my best so they can see me as their equal and acknowledge me as a musician.”
What makes Htet even more impressive, is her lack of musical background prior to joining the A Capella group. No musical lessons, just her drive and dedication to practice what she loved on her own. It is no wonder then, that her music is personal and entirely driven by her passion. When speaking about her musical style, the genres she sees herself in, Het made it clear that she only makes music if it makes her feel good, music that speaks to her.
"Im willing to be anything, I'm just a voice" she explained.
Het's most licensed song, Beat of Love was released on October 9, 2020 and has since been licensed by ESPN NBA and Beats By Dre.
Het's most streamed song, Take Care was released November 2019.